Here are some benefits of this special heated toilet seat that might make you change your mind.

Here are some benefits of this special heated toilet seat that might make you change your mind.
The bidet, or WASHLET®, which is believed to be more hygienic and more importantly, better for the environment.
With smart homes becoming more accessible these days, it’s not surprising that smart concepts are extended all the way to the bathroom.
Designed for every home, Washlet+ is the smart way to introduce the life-changing comfort and cleanliness of TOTO technology to your life.
Here at TOTO, we offer a variety of bidet seats that caters to every individual to fulfil different needs and requirements.
Installing a Washlet at your home is much like changing your toilet seat, but the features and benefits far exceed any toilet you’ve ever owned.
What makes TOTO’s Washlet the best?
A Washlet is an electronic bidet toilet seat that is affixed on top of the toilet, replacing the standard toilet seat. Washlet introduced the custom of cleansing washing to a world that had long relied on the less sanitary and far less comfortable method of wiping with toilet paper.